Land For Bees Raw Honey Subscription

This raw honey subscription helps fund our ability to take actions we believe are crucial to restoring and protecting pollinator habitat in Minnesota. 

The subscription provides resources we would not have to replant our 40 acre farm in MN for pollinators and take our ideas to the state capital for consideration. 

Our native pollinators and honeybees are in deep trouble in Minnesota. We have identified 4 actions we can take to ensure pollinators have a place to live in the future in Minnesota. 

The  subscription highlights how each season is different and features fresh honey as it becomes available in June to October. You receive a selection of our best Single Source Honeys mailed out 3 times a year to take advantage of our ever changing floral sources of honey.

Each shipment includes two 9oz jars of a fresh or unique, raw Single Source Honey that we have in stock at that time.

The first shipment of 2 jars comes immediately and then you receive  a shipment every 4 months. You are charged $40 each time a shipment is sent and postage is included free!

Subscriptions can be canceled at any time via a link you receive at the initial purchase.

All funds from this subscription purchase go to our Land For Bees initiative to replant our land for pollinators, you can read about it here 
